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Temperature increase

Calculates how much the temperature is raised via the fan.

Temperature increase through the fan

Input Result
The fan pressure rise pft=
Compressibility factor kp=
Density ρ=
Fan efficiency nf= % %
Specific heat capacity Cp= kJ/(kg,˚C) kJ/(kg,˚C)
Temperaturhöjning Δt=

Temperature increase with belt driven engine

Input Result
The fan pressure rise pft=
Compressibility factor kp=
Density ρ=
Fan efficiency nf= % %
Engine efficiency nm= % %
Transmissions efficiency ntr= % %
Specific heat capacityt Cp= kJ/(kg,˚C) kJ/(kg,˚C)
Temperature increase Δt=


Pressure raising

Is the total pressure rise that fan creates.

Compressibility factor

One factor that tells you how much the media äbdrar in volume due to fan pressure rise. 1 corresponds to the media is not affected.


Density is a SI unit and is a measure of a specific substance's density, i.e. mass per unit volume. A synonym for density that can sometimes occur are specific weight.

Fan efficiency

The efficiency of the fan itself.

Engine Efficiency

Refers to the efficiency of the motor to a belt-driven fan.

Transmission efficiency

The efficiency of the transmission of a belt-driven fan.

Specific heat capacity

Specific heat capacity or cp is a measure of a material's ability to store thermal energy. The SI unit for the specific heat capacity is J / (kg * K).

Temperature increase

The temperature rise that occurs through the fan.


Temperature increase through the fan: Temperature increase through the fan
Temperature increase in belt-driven motor: Temperature increase in belt-driven motor