A component's ability to store an electrical charge is called capacitance and is defined as the ratio between the charge and voltage. Capacitance is measured in the SI unit farad (F), which is equal to one coulomb per second, which is often a very high capacitance of the common components.
Refers to the area of the charged plate of the insulated dielectric material.
A constant used in the calculations.
Refers to the distance between the two charged plates in a capacitor.
Permittivity describes how an electric field affects and is affected by an electrically insulated material. Sometimes the older name is used dielectric constant.
Resistance is a current-limiting capability of an electrical circuit, ie whatever resistance is present in the circuit. Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω).
Reactance is a term for a frequency-dependent electrical resistance that occurs in both capacitive and inductive form.
Angular frequency can also be called rotational speed and is a measure of how much an object rotates around its center of rotation. Angular velocity is measured in SI units of radians per second (rad/s). Radians are a rewrite for degrees that facilitate mathematical calculations.
Capacitance via permittivity, area and distance: | |
Capacitance via resistance and time constant: | |
Reactive capacitive: | |
Series coupled capacitances: | |
Series coupled capacitances: |