Just Wait...

Color marking

A compilation of how sprinkler heads are color marked by activation temperature.

Sprinkler med glasbulb

Nominell aktiverings- temperatur Color marking vätska
57 Orange
68 Red
79 Yellow
93 Green
100 Green
121 Blue
141 Blue
163 Mallow
182 Mallow
204 Black
227 Black
260 Black
286 Black
343 Black

Sprinkles with molten cuttle

Nominal activation temperature Color labeling yoke
57 - 77 Uncoloured
80 - 107 White
121 - 149 Blue
163 - 191 Red
204 - 246 Green
260 - 302 Orange
320 - 343 Black


Nominal activation temperature

Is the temperature when the sprinkler head is activated and starts to spray water.

Coloring liquid

Refers to the color of the liquid visible in the glass bulb that activates the sprinkler head.

Color labeling yoke

Refers to the color of the yoke that activates the sprinkler head.