Grey water heat exchanger are available in many different designs meant for occasional showers or a greater number as in Eg a dressing room. Grey water heat exchanger available in versions that can be installed in portrait or landscape, or with the pump depending on where you have to evacuate to put it, there are also versions that can be installed in the floor directly at the floor drain. Common to most of the models is that they require that you only use gray water ie no toilets connected on the same line.
Normally, the temperature of the water supplied to the property is normally between 5-10˚C.
The temperature of the hot water that reaches the shower faucet usually around 55˚C.
Refers to the water coming out of the shower nozzle.
Refers to the water temperature of the water that reaches grey water heat exchanger through the floor drain.
Shows how efficient the heat exchanger is to transfer heat between the different systems.
Refers to the time the shower anv'nds at every shower time.
Refers to the total number of showers that are made during the period in question.
Refers to the total flow coming out of the shower nozzle.
Refers to the current price of energy.
Refers to the total cost of installing grey water heat exchanger.
The calculated temperature reached in the cold water after it has passed and been heated by grey water heat exchanger.
A comparison of the energy used at each shower with and without recycling of wastewater.
A comparison of the energy used for 1 year for the shower water with and without recycling of wastewater.
A comparison of the energy that occurs at each shower with and without recycling of wastewater.
A comparison of the energy costs incurred during 1 year for shower water with and without recycling of wastewater.
Shows how long it an investment in a gråvattenvärmeväxlare would pay off, ie the time after which the investment would begin generating a profit.
Wastewater that is not attached to the toilet that drains from wash basins, showers, laundry, etc. Can also be called gray water.
Sewage connected to toilets that is heavily polluted.
Mixing temperature:: | |
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